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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone,
    Well I guess the new doctor in town has dumped me before I had a chance to move my files. However He did phone my husband today with the latest lab results and they don’t add up. What do you think?

    T4 23 norm 11-24 High normal

    TSH <0.1 norm 0.6 - 6.0 hyperthyroid

    Free T3 3.9 norm 3.2 – 5.6 low normal

    I wonder if this explains why I feel so awful for 4-5 hours each day. It feels as if I am running out of thyroxine before the 24 hour period is up. The new doctor (new to the profession and the country) implies it is all in my head and my problem is that I have a fixation to return to my old levels of meds. You know the ones I felt good on!. I see a specialist for the first time at the end of October, I hope she has some answers as I do not wish to feel like this for the rest of my life..

    Brenda Cdn

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