It’s a normal part of this disease to feel like you are on an emotional
roller coaster. Not fun, but part of Graves’. It will get better as
you are treated. I would suggesting going to Dianne Nicholas’ Home Page
and reading the stories of a bunch of us from here on the BB telling our
experiences with this disease. The URL is
I think you’ll feel much less alone in this by seeing what we’ve all been through.
If your doctor puts you on beta blockers, that will help with some of the anxiety
and irritability. Make sure you take a good multi-vitamin because with your
metabolism going at warp speed you can become deficient in many areas. This will
also have an effect on your roller-coaster ride! When your emotions get whacky,
try and take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is the disease, not
your mind getting lost and that it will pass.
It takes a few weeks for treatment to show results, so do not be frightened that
this isn’t solved by popping a pill. Just try and be patient (there’s not much choice
and pray alot. I used relaxation techniques and meditated on Bible verses that
reminded me of God’s peace. I also slept with my upper body propped up on a few pillows…
it seemed to help the racing, pounding heart somewhat.
You’ll be in my prayers! Ask what ever questions you need to. Everyone
here is terrific and supportive.