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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Your wife probably likes looking at the smile on your face too, Bruce! Glad you are back with us and that your surgery was a success!
      Dianne N

        Post count: 93172

        I’m sorry to hear you had a tough day, but at least its over. I have small
        veins and often they can’t take a blood sample or get an IV in either so I
        can sympathize. When do you expect to be able to see or look better.

          Post count: 93172

          Just got back online. Been installing win95 & then IE. Looks like a lot to catch up on!

          I can see 100x better now Joan! it will take about 8 weeks to really settle down and have had many compiments on how much better I look. Wasn’t expecting that since all they did was straighten the eyes!


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