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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      If you need Armour thyroid, there will be many more symptoms than just hair
      loss. You may need to up your synthroid dose. Drs tend to prescribe the
      lowest dose that gets you in to the normal range. You may need more.
      My hair loss stopped for years but is now quite extensive although I have
      been on Armour Th for many years (10?) now. It may have something to do
      with menopause. I have nightmares about going bald. There must be some
      psychological reason for these dreams because I can think of a lot worse
      things that could go wrong with me besides hair loss.
      My hairdresser showed me how they can clip extra hair to the top of your
      head and it looks great. However, I wish I didn’t have all these problems.

        Post count: 93172

        Hello everyone. I have recently seen several postings which have mentioned
        people experiencing hair loss. I am to be included in that group being
        almost 2 years post RAI. I am searching for an answer to why this is
        happening since I was originally told by my doc that it was unrelated to
        GD especially since I am in the “normal range”. I am going back to the
        endo. on Tuesday to discuss other hormone levels and will pursue this
        further. Anyone out there have this problem that has gotten better or
        been corrected with meds or supplements. Always anxious to know more.
        Thanks and good luck to all — Julie T.

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