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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Suzanne, I had some really itchy days, but they were when I had
      been hyper(very hyper) quite a while. After I was on Tapazole awhile they went away.
      Hope yours do too. Maybe it isn’t the meds… My brother who is temporarily
      hyper also complains of itching. he is only on Betablockers. Come to think
      of it I was already on beta blockers but not Tapazole when I itched so much.
      Well, the indignities of this stuff go from big deal to just bery irrittating, don’t they?
      Bye for now Jeannette

        Post count: 93172

        How common is itching in Graves Disease? I didn’t have it until I went on Tapazole, and how I itch all the time. Does this go away?

          Post count: 93172

          I had terrible itching while I was on Tapazole (just looked it up in the PDR – this is a side effect of Tapazole). I also broke out in terrible hives within an hour of taking my Tapazole, I was allergic to it. I was told by my doctor that it is very common to be allergic to Tapazole. If you develop hives, contact your doc. Good luck!!!!


            Post count: 93172

            yes, its me again hey im breakin out with a red rash in all places, and im very itchie is this a graves thing ?

              Post count: 93172


              i’ve never had a rash but itching is definitely a graves thing. my nurse
              told me yesterday to take benedryle. it used to be really really bad
              and i would take a cool shower and wrap myself tightly in a sheet.
              good luck, i know how you feel.


                Post count: 93172


                  Post count: 93172


                  If it feels like lots of raised welts or mosquito bites it could be hives. I had to stop taking Tapazole because of this. It took 2 weeks of Benadryl to get rid of it. Hope you don’t have them.

                    Post count: 93172


                    try bathing in TIDE water. it has helped me.


                      Post count: 93172

                      Hi Steve,
                      I was warned against getting a rash on tapazole and am supposed to let doc know immediately if I get one. Other things I am to report are mouth sores, fever and it seems like there is something else too that I am to watch for but I cant think of it off hand. It could mean that you are developing an allergy to your meds or something. lee

                        Post count: 93172

                        thanks for the itching help, went to the hospital last night
                        my body was one big red rash , doctor said its a virus.
                        I had the flew last week and now the virus ,has moved to the
                        outside of the body,they gave me a shot of benadryl in the
                        but, and said to continue with the benadryl every 4 hours
                        i guess it had nothing to do with dum luck disease anyway.

                        thanks all for help,


                          Post count: 93172

                          Hi Steve! I had hives for nine months. By trying to find a cure for
                          the hives is how I found out my thyroid was over active. I hope you
                          do not have hives. I have several words that describe those %^&$#$#@
                          words or descriptions are legal for the BB. I don’t know how true
                          this is but since our immune system is effected with GD, this can
                          play havoc with allergy problems. You could be having reactions to
                          food, meds., after shave etc. I had to go to an Allergist in Dallas
                          to finally get ride of my hives. If you fell that it could be
                          the hives e-mail me back. I have a few tips to make you home as
                          chemical free as possible. Maybe hives is not your problem. I used a
                          Benidrill lotion which helped as well as the pills. Just remember the
                          more you scratch the worse it gets. I know that is the last
                          thing you want to hear. Margie

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