AnonymousFebruary 17, 1997 at 5:08 amPost count: 93172
I never got sick before Graves, except for headaches I was in
perfect health, now it seems I always have something going wrong
with me all the time, so I can certainly sympathize.Yes sometimes you get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Take care,
ShannonAnonymousFebruary 17, 1997 at 6:07 amPost count: 93172Hi, Robin. I know the feeling, and I’m sorry that you’re feeling punk again.
Many years ago, my husband and I went to a series of “Wellness” seminars, and one week the topic was stress management. The doctor leading the seminars pointed out that there is a relationship between stress and illness, and that major changes in life bring on stress. Even “good” changes, like getting married, having a baby, taking a vacation are “stressful” to the body. And if you have a lot of change going on, there is an increased likelihood of getting ill with flus, colds, etc. This happens to EVERYBODY, not just people with GD. But GD has to make it worse, because it definitely does stress us out. And you’ve had LOTS of major changes!!
This class taught relaxation techniques and discussed prioritizing when we encounter changes. It does help some, especially if you know you’re under stress. There are things we can all do to minimize the amount of stress we’re under. Soaking in a scented bath, listening to soothing music, watching a comedy….there’s any number of things that might work to relax you a bit. When I’m really stressing out, I use a modified Lamaze breathing/meditation technique. I close my eyes, do the “candle-blowing” technique, and count slowly backward from fifty, deliberately relaxing parts of my body, starting with my toes and working up. I also try to picture myself in my favorite, and most relaxing spot. It does help.
AnonymousFebruary 17, 1997 at 1:09 pmPost count: 93172Hi Robin, I am sorry that you are getting sick so much. I have heard that graves’ can cause this problem. Graves’ can cause problems with absorbtion of nutrients from food so it is important to eat healthy meals. You might try taking a good multi vitamine with a meal. I just started taking a prenatal vitamine I found at the health store. Take lots of vitamine C too. Eat healing food such as garlic, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, squash, onions, fruits, etc. avoid dairy especially when you are sick. Also, there are herbs that might help like echinacea and shitike mushrooms. These both are kind of expensive at the health food store but I find that they are worth it. I am taking them daily. You can drink herbal teas too that help ease the symptoms. I hope some of this helps. Lee
AnonymousFebruary 17, 1997 at 5:35 pmPost count: 93172After I read your message I sorta half-yelled “Woah!” This is not good
since I work in a library! My patrons all looked at me sitting at the front
desk like I was the “possessed Librarian from hell” I get a cold, or some-
thing about every eight weeks! I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.AnonymousFebruary 17, 1997 at 5:36 pmPost count: 93172ooooppsss….reload, sorry about the first message mistake
After I read your message I sorta half-yelled “Woah!” This is not good
since I work in a library! My patrons all looked at me sitting at the front
desk like I was the “possessed Librarian from hell” I get a cold, or some-
thing about every eight weeks! I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
Of feeling sick and tired. I wonder what the problem is? Carolyn -
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