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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Dear Kristi,
      I just found this site a few days ago and my diagnosis is also only a week or so old.
      I do not have many answers to your questions except that EVERY thing you are going thruogh is normal. My biggest fear with all my symptoms was that I had gone off the DEEP END. But I am sure that with your higher education, you knew better. This site has been a LIFE SAVER for me. It was all good to hear the doctor tell me what I had and then to see the symptoms in black and white on paper, showing that other people have the same thing but ACTUALLY HEARING FROM and “TALKING TO” real live people who have the same battles I have been having for a few months now, has given my a new lease on life. I have even gotten to the point where I can “joke” about some of the symtoms i/e “anamalistic scratching” LOL.
      As for you weening your beautiful baby girl, please check with your local La LEche LEague group. I was a peer cvounselor for Breast Feeeding and I seem to remember that thyroid medicine was not a contra-indication to breast feeding. I know doctors often say that you cannot breast feed with ceratain medications. If I am correct La Leche LEague only contra-indicates Radio Active medicines.
      Well, sorry I was so long winded, all this was just to say “welcome to the battle doc.”

        Post count: 93172

        Hi, Kristy:

        Welcome to the board. I have a daughter who is starting work on a PhD in neurobiology!! Maybe you can translate for me from time to time? ; )

        Bobbi —

          Post count: 93172


          Welcome to the board. I’m surprised that you’re weaning. I was able to nurse my daughter for 2 years while on PTU. My endo and the pediatrician said only very trace amounts get in through the breast milk. If it’s not too late – maybe you can get another opinion and stop weaning!

          Write here anytime with questions.

          Feel better fast.


            Post count: 93172

            Your story sounds a lot like mine. I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease when my baby was about 8 months old. My symptoms were slightly different, I didn’t lose that much weight 10-12 lbs, but my main symptom was heat intolerance. When winter came and I was still miserably hot I mentioned it to my DR who ran blood tests, then a thyroid scan – thus the Grave’s Disease diagnosis. I was on PTU (which I was lucky and had no problems taking and it returned my counts to normal) until last week, when I had surgery to remove my thyroid. Am not feeling any different at this point, but know eventually I will have to go on thyroid medication. Please feel free to keep in touch via e-mail if you have any questions or comments! Kelly

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