I have never visited this bulletin boardbefore…I think it’s a great idea. The only people I have “known” who had Graves are Georgeand Barbara Bush, and I can’t hardly lean onthem for support!Actually, I did casually know one woman at schoolwho had it–she went through surgery to remove herthyroid. She has an awful scar now and doesn’treally like to discuss it.I found out I had Graves when my neck became tightand I was very hyper and lost weight rapidly. I only weigh 103 now–my normal is 119. I feel faint a lot, and imagine people are staring at me. My boyfriendis nice about it, but I wish I could feel better. I’m taking the drugs to slow down my thyroid, butthey don’t seem to be working. Does anyone elsefeel faint too?Tyra Downing