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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I understand what you’re going through. It helped me when I changed my patterns. I would lite up after I got home from work because I told myself “I deserved it”. Well, since I have quit smoking. I alter my routine when I get home from work. Instead of going to the patio, I go for a walk. I get on the phone and call out of state friends. I try to get home and do something different and healthy, because I deserve to be good to myself. Hang in there! The cravings and the craziness will pass.

    Good luck!

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with Graves a month ago(had it 2 yrs.)and I smoke! I have tried quitting but it’s not going 2 well! That’s bcause I know I NEED to quit but don’t WANT to quit! I quit for weeks at the time but then get that hyper feeling and grab a cig! I haven’t smoked more than 3 a day for weeks but I know it needs to be 0 a day! But I’m Not going to give up! Next week, I’ll make it 2 a day and so on and then it’ll be 0 a day! I know all the dangers that’s y I NEED to quit! Just hang in there! We can all DO what we set our minds to!!!!!!!! Good Luck and don’t give up! Nothing good is ever easy!

    Post count: 93172

    According to my eye surgen it is mostly the people who smoke that get Thyroid Eye Disease. He would not operate on me if I smoked so I went into surgery with the patch on. That was October of 97 and have been smoke free ever since, of cource there are days when I would kill for a cigarette but it passes.
    Extra benefits are , my husband quit and my mother-in-law guit after smoking for 60 years.


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