It’s almost 1:00Am here and I have to get up at 6:00AM, but for you sweet steve,
I will take the time to do this. Don’t think you are married. and don’t know if you
have ever been, but here goes.Marriage is not a word.It is a sentence(a life sentence)
Marriage is very much like a violin, after the sweet music is over, there are still strings attached.
Marriage is love, love is blind. Marriage is an institution for the blind.
Marriage is a thing which puts a ring on a womans’ finger and two under a man’s eyes.
Marriage certificate is just another word for work permit.
Marriage requires man to prepare 4 types of “rings”.
The engagement ring
The wedding ring
The Suffe-ring
The endu-ring2. You might be a redneck if you get an estimate from your barber before h cuts your hair.
3. Good Wednesday Morning to you. I hope your week is progressing without many problems. If thos problems are something you’ll laugh about later
…why not laugh about them now?see next post from me.
A friend told me this joke, I hope it helps, it is really silly
and bad, but it made me smile.A Preacher needed to paint his church, but he was on a very low
budget so he could only buy 9 gallons of paint. He started to paint
the front of the church and used up almost 4 gallons on that side
alone. So when he did the right side of the church he thinned the
gallon of paint with water, then he thinned the next gallon even more.
On the left side of the church he thinned the paint even more. When
Preacher finally got to the back of the church he had 3/4 gallon
left. He mixed the paint with so much water that be basically
just whitewashed the last coat. Just as he finished, and was
cleaning up, the sky opened up, the Preacher and the church was
drenched in a downpour! All the paint washed off. As the Preacher
looked to the sky he heard a booming voice say:“Repaint and thin no more!”
Ok! Ok! I told you it was bad!
Little Johnny came running into the house and asked, “Mommy, can
little girls have babies?”“No,” said his mom, “of course not.”
Little Johnny then ran back outside and his mom heard him yell to his friends, “It’s okay, we can play that game again!”
You are so funny! Hope you are doing fine.
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