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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’m going into this kind of the opposite as you. I’ve had test after test & am finally getting on meds – the “t” ATD – I’m starting out on 20mg 3x/day. Are you having side effects with the dosage of the ATD?
    I went to the Endo for the first time yesterday, and a new G.P. also. They drew 11 vials of blood between the two of them. Since my pulse averaged 125 – the Endo was more concerned with my heart. She listed alot of side effects with the ATD – and encouraged the RAI. She wants me on the Traziole (sp?)- for a month to have my head “clear” – & then start the RAI.
    What is the procedure with the RAI? I guess it’s done in a hospital? I want to know everything, so there are no surprises. This board has really helped in that respect.
    I asked about becoming hypo with the RAI – she said that that’s a given – and that to pull someone UP is much easier than getting them DOWN….. The thought of being hypo sounds awful – wish there was a happy medium.

    Post count: 93172

    I was on a high does per day then that I was ok,they will just keep a close check on you white blood cells,at least that is what they did with me.

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