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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My local hospital pharmacy when i sent them the fda report also phoned to tell me that all of a sudden they got word that all armour products musst now be refridgerated at a certain temp—and it never did before…they found consistency problems all of a sudden???

    are you and your pharmacist aware of this???
    I could find out for you how they got notice i you would like

    Post count: 93172

    Did you folks understand the significance of what I was saying???
    That drugs that are marketed under different brand names or brand vs generics
    are actually all made at the same factory — with different labels.
    My mother’s thyrolar also just was filled with a sticker on the bottle
    to keep refrigerated. First time in 50 years. Just like the generics.
    From what I understand, the ‘natural’ products were reformulated last
    year. It was impossible to get Armour thyroid at any strength for a
    while last year. All were recalled. Unfortunately, what seems to have
    happened is that Armour is now being made like the generics.
    I’ve had problems in the past with potency and effectiveness of generics
    and the pharmacy stopped buying it based on my change in lab values.
    I will check with Forrest Pharmaceuticals the company that is making it
    this year. It gets passed around from company to company on a yearly basis.
    Forrest seems to have many of the recalls in the FDA list. Many meds seem
    to be made at this Puerto Rican factory.
    Maybe we should write the FDA directly and ask them what gives!

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