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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Melinda,
    I too am not very good with needles and given that we have to go so often it does become a problem. Your post reminded of the time that I was suffering from panic attacks several times a day and had to give blood in the morning before going to work. I was in a state of panic before I even got there. I kept thinking you can do this just relax and breathe. When I got to the office I sat down to wait my turn and was watching a young man finding his way around the office and asking lots of questions. As I sat there for 10 minutes watching him it suddenly dawned on me that he was new to the job. Please don’t let him call my name please please please!!! Heart rate was rising, sweety palms by this stage. Sure enough he calls my name. Great!! just my luck. I kept trying to convince myself that everyone has to learn. I sat in the chair and offered him my arm. I watched as he rattled around with all the phials on the desk. He puts the tournique on my arm says to pump my hand and keeps looking at my arm trying to find the vein. By this time I was ready to jump out of the chair. I ask him very politely if he is new at doing this. Yes – it’s his first day. I ask that if he isn’t too offended could I get one of the regular girls to do this otherwise he may have a patient on the floor. No not offended at all. He goes out and Jenny comes in. I feel better already. She notes on my file that I am prone to panic attacks. She gets my arm ready and is about to draw blood when the new guy comes running in with a newspaper and starts fanning my face with it. God bless him. He even holds my hand and fans me at the same time. He was so concerned. At least he made me laugh. Actually I laughed all the way to work. What a sweety!!! Funny thing is that as I was leaving someone told me that he is actually a Dr from overseas.

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with Grave’s in April, 2001.
    I was 160, my endo said it was one of the highest
    readings she had ever seen. Thinking
    back, I had symptoms starting in Sept.00.
    I had EVERY symptom
    from the muscle weakness to the eye bulging. I
    had RAI on May 15, 2001. I went hypo in August,
    my endo was trying to adjust my dose each month
    after. On Jan. 8/02 she said to stop taking
    medication because I might be one of the “lucky”
    ones and be stablized. I had a blood test on
    Feb. 14/02, went back to see her on Feb. 28/02 and
    guess what! I have to have another dose of RAI.
    She said I was only given (on a scale) a dose of 8, it
    can go as high as 12. This time I will probably
    have a 12 to kill the thyroid completely. My
    eyes were bad, they have gone back somewhat, now I
    am scared they will get worse. My endo said she
    thinks they will go back. It’s been a very hectic
    year. Well keep you updated.

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