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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have just joined the Thyroid Foundation of Canada.

    Post count: 93172

    thanks, I keep wondering if there was anyone out there working on the antibodies and how to keep the disease from reaching the eyes.How can we reach Dr.Wall? …..gwen

    Post count: 93172

    We have a link to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists on our web site at or by clicking on the green thyroid at the top of the page. We also have a link to Mary’s page as well there.

    Each state has a state insurance commission. Many of them are on the internet and you can review a doctor to see if they had any problems with the state. It does not tell you their credentials.

    We are a non-profit orgainzation (thus the org designation on as opposed to a commercial site (the .com after a site name) Non-profits have different rules on providing a doctor’s name. We must provide at least three in your area if we have them. A commercail site can allow advertising and can promote doctors names. We cannot. So suggest you try the site or your state insurance site or Mary’s site if you wish.

    If you e-mail us (at the send us e-mail button on our web site) we can send you doctor’s names for your area. We just cannot put them on this BB. Doc Nancy Patterson can as the director of the NGDF but not us.

    Check out our links we have many ones that may be able to help you.

    On-line facilitator

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