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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Nic,

      I don’t know if I am the right person to be answering this question. I read this BB faithfully, but have only posted one other time. I too, at times, have had trouble remaining positive. It’s hard to enjoy a lot of stuff around you when you have disease that wears you out physically and emotionally. I’ve found that keeping myself busy has really kept my spirits up. I shop, read, and rent movies so I can’t sit around and think about my GD. There was a time when I avoided being around my friends because I just couldn’t talk to them…I didn’t want sympathy…I didn’t want to be thought of as a drama queen. Now, whether I am tired or not, I do go out and socialize…even for just a little while. Resting and eating right are also important. Notice that I said resting, not sleeping because sleep still eludes me most nights. Just remember to take it easy…take the time to do things that you enjoy. I’m starting to feel stronger, and my hair is not falling out as much as it was. Things do get better. There are no support groups in my area either (philadelphia), so make sure you check out his BB regularly…it makes you realize that you are not alone. Try and keep track of 5 positive things each day…no matter how small…that helps too. Good luck to you.


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