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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I finally found a link for the Hanford Health Project and will effectivly answer some of my own questions here, but incase anyone else out there falls in the same category as me, my sister or my dad, here is a contact person: Beth King, Hanford Thyroid Disease Study, MP-425, 1124 Columbia Street, Seattle, Washington, 98104
      Phone 206-667-5733 or 1-800-638-4837.
      If you are suffering from a thyroid complaint or know of anyone who is and had been in the Washington, Idaho or Oregon area at anytime during 1944 to 1970’s you may want to look into this. I forgot to write down the internet page address but a simple search should bring it up. It’s essential to the study that they have as many “qualified” cases to study so if you fit the category, please speak up. As far as proving the genetic damage….I think it will be decades away but those directly exposed have a good chance of the mystery being solved for them, (ie “Why did I get this disease?”)

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