It’s dinner time in Vancouver and my husband is making it again. I was just saying how I wish we could afford to have our meals catered while I feel so lousy. It’s not just the meals it’s keeping the freezer stocked and getting the shopping done and all that goes with meals – I get too tired to even think about it sometimes.
My husband mentioned he thought he would start a Graves Camp. A place where only people suffering from Graves would come and all meals would be prepared, it would have lots of air conditioned rooms and a lake where we could get cooled off. Speakers brought in at night and lots of little support groups on what various symptoms we are going through.
Rest, eat, swim or talk whenever you want In otherwords all the attention would be focused on us and things that would make us feel better.
He is very excited about it – so if we win the lotto!!!
Keep dreaming and smiling. SAS
What a gread idea! Your husband sounds very understanding. Mine is like that, he has cooked so many meals. He’ll tell me “Go lie down!” and if I say, “you know, I haven’t been feeling very well, ” he’ll say “I know, I can tell.” My daughter is like that too. I’m lucky. I’m going on vacation next week and all I’m going to do is read, eat, walk on the beach. That’s it!
Yes! We need a Camp Graves where we would be spoiled and pampered. Can we have a massage therapist? An acupuncturist? And can I have Pool Boy rub my feet???
Sign me up!
TeresaCheryl, Have a good vacation. Yes, we are lucky we have such understanding husbands. I’m taking mine out tonight to dinner and a football game. I figure with the double vision I get twice the plays for my money!!
Teresa, Yes, you can have all that and I just thought about an ice cream bar like they have on cruise ships with every kind of ice cream and any topping you like – we just have to win that lottery!!
Take care and keep smiling. SAS
Gee maybe if all the GD’ers pictched in a few bucks, then we could have
a campaigne for Graves patients in need of a little R&R. Also
asking our terrific doctors to add a tidy sum to our benefit, after
all it’s such a worthy cause!…maybe we could have our Graves camp
in no timeI can dream,
Shannon -
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