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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Darlene,
      The pain in my legs was what made me go to see the doctor a little over 5 years ago. I was working in a lab at the time and I was on my feet most of the time. By noon every day I started developing this pain and a couple of hours later they would get stiff. I was working only six hours a day, but by the time I got home I could barely walk. So I would just put my legs up and rest for 1 or 2 hours. Then I had enough energy to get dinner ready and take care of my 18 month baby. After a few days of this, I when to see my regular dr. and she noticed a mild retraction on my upper lids. This made her think that I probably had a thyroid problem. I did not experience many of the other symptoms that other graves disease patients go through. No palpitations, heat intolerance, weight drop, tremors. Just this horrble pain in the legs and sometimes in the back of my neck. I would get up in the morning with such a stiff neck that I could not look backwards when I had to back up my car from the garage in the mornings. PTU did help me in just a few days.
      Are you getting enough Ca in your diet? One of my doctors recommended me at least 1300 mg per day. I take supplements and I chew the pills to make sure they dissolve well. My pains come just a little lower than the knee level, interior section. They come when I spend a lot of hours on my feet. I never had a bone density test.
      My weight goes up in the winter about 6 to 8 lb. I am 5′ 6” and my weight is between 122 – 130 lb. I do have a healthy appetite and I crave for higher calorie foods during the winter months. In the summer, I love salads but right now they are just not enough!. I find myself starving every 2 or 3 hours so I eat constantly. It is a little bit of a battle. But I have noticed that other women my age (I am in my mid 30’s) and with no graves disease, have to watch their weight too. I really cannot afford to let my weight go too high because it just accumulates around my waist and my back suffers. Do you find yourself hungry all the time?
      I drink lots of water, too. I am always thirsty. My husband is constantly teasing my about this.
      Good luck to you and all.
      Denise E.

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