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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Congratulations Becky! Be sure and let me know if your address changes so that any further survey can put your progress ( that is what you are going to have!) in the data. Jeannette

    Post count: 93172

    After visiting with my endo on Thursday,
    I am officially in remission (for how long is
    anyone’s guess). I’m going to enjoy this as
    long as it lasts. I have always been a very
    positive person, so I’m going to live as if the
    remission will be forever.

    With that thought, I’ll be leaving the board
    until such time as I am again in need of the
    support and info that you’ll have provided.

    Before I go, I want to give you’ll a summary
    of my care. I was diagnosed in April and put
    on 5 mg Tapazole. I responded very well,
    in fact, I went hypo in Sept. At that time I
    had .05 Synthroid added to the daily dose of
    Tapazole. On Nov 26 I stopped both meds.

    I had blood work done on Dec 10 and on
    Thursday the endo says that everything is
    within normal ranges and I have no symptoms
    other than dry, gritty eyes.

    I’m to have labs in April unless the GD flares
    up before then.

    I will be going out of town tomorrow, but I’ll
    monitor the board tonight to see if any of you
    have questions or comments.

    Becky Ryder
    Houston, TX

    Post count: 93172

    I am happy to hear of your remission and will pray it continues. We will
    be here if you need us, know that. The gritty, dry eyes is a symptom and
    hope you will get a good baseline eye exam done by a qualified opthomologist.
    Keep that positive attitude, gal! And, war on.

    Hugs, JAN

    ps. feel free to e-mail us from time to time on how you are doing.


    Post count: 93172


    Congratulations! I hope that you will drop by the board periodically to give us occasional posts that you are still remitting. (I know that LynnthePB experienced a short remission and then went back full hyper 6 mos or so later, therefore monthly updates would be cool) – I don’t mean to be a downer… It would just be helpful if you continue to update us and all the newbies to give them HOPE.

    Hope is a very important thing to have. It is helpful to all of us to see our buddies doing well and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel – so don’t abandon us just yet! You may find that you don’t need much from us, but I’m sure there is plenty you can GIVE by way of encouragement. After all, it is more blessed to give than to receive!

    it is so wonderful to hear your good news – may you have a full, complete and continuous remission!

    God bless you,

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