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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Just founf this will be back. Have a lot of questions about yhe eyes

    Post count: 93172

    Welcome to the BB, Shari! Your husband is probably going through some sort of
    denial or anger at the disease. My husband was not helpful at first, but
    he did work his way through it. It is hard for them to have the wife
    they lean and rely on suddenly so ill. It’s not great for us, but
    I talked to a therapist and it is a very common reaction when dealing
    with a life-changing stressor such as a disease.

    It has been one year for me on PTU and I am now off it. At one point
    my meds were too strong and my TSH was up to 9.5–I felt miserable.
    A couple of weeks after it was lowered I began to feel more normal. Until
    then try and make sure you get plenty of vitamins and try and force yourself
    to exercise.

    Did you get this disease postpartum? If so, your chances for remission
    go up…as they also do for responding so well to a relatively low dosage
    of PTU. (I got Graves’ postpartum, etc.).

    Feeling free to e-mail me anytime. My e-mail is

    In the meantime, pray and have faith that things will improve. At first I
    thought I’d never feel better, but I clung desperately to God’s promises for
    peace and strength. You’ll be in my prayers!

    Also, go to Dianne Nicholas’ Home Page
    and you can read stories of many of us with GD from here on the board.

    God bless!

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