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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I always enjoy a lively debate! Thanks, Nocomment for sharing your opinions. Never let it be said that we’re not open to divergent points of view on this BB. I think it’s crucial to note that this is a forum heavily utilized by those of us with GD who are compelled to live with the worst that this disease has to offer in terms of complications. I do not believe this is a distinction any of us have aspired to; it’s just reality.

    Luci in Texas

    Post count: 93172

    While I appreciate the troll’s trying to remember that “it could be worse,” I still find it completely cruel and insensitive to express such an opinion to people who obviously aren’t feeling well!!! Throwing salt on a wound does not help it.

    You can pat yourself on the back and feel that you’re brave and everyone else is a crybaby, basically mocking others’ pain…and where will it get you? Do you feel good? Did the thought of compassion once enter your mind or was your arrogance blocking out all other feeling? Did it occur to you that learning to live with a disease is a process and others just haven’t arrived to your lofty state? Do you expect a toddler to drive a car because he has mastered his tricycle??? Do you really think that the proverbial splash of cold water or slap on the face is really going to wake people up to your exalted frame of mind? PLEASE!

    Perhaps Graves’ isn’t the same as MS, or lupus, or other disease…fine. But it is the disease WE have, it is the cross that we bear. It is my prayer that this is the worst that any of us, including you, have to experience. Personally, I find it bad enough that I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. (The word “nightmare” comes to mind).

    “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep….Do not be wise in your own opinion.” from Romans 12 This BB is where we can be transparent, talk about those feelings, aches and pains that no one else understands (and that most of us didn’t experience until AFTER Graves)…I think the word is “support” each other. There is a big difference between just tossing around an opposing opinion and making digs at others’ pain. Get a life.

    Post count: 93172

    I think you have something here! On one of the mail lists I subscribe to, every so often someone comes on not using their real name and just stirring up trouble. Most on the list have gotten wise and ignore him/her. Would probably work for this coward too.

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