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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    When I talk about triggers, I’m talking about what caused the Graves’. There is no known one cause. In my case, there is no family history of Graves’ (in some families there is) and the only relative who had any thyroid problems was my mom’s sister who had a goiter in high school, which was cleared up. She’s had no thyroid problems since. When my mom was pregnant with me and after my birth I was exposed to radioactive iodine 131 thru the Hanford releases in the early 60’s. The may be why I eventually developed Graves’. I was also subjected to 4 thyroid checks while in high school because my doc figured the reason I was so fat (all of 135 pounds mind you, perfectly in keeping with my genetic heritage) was because I was hypothryroid. In the space of less than a month I had to drink some stuff and stand in a dark room while they took pictures of my thyroid. Tests were inconclusive. The idiot doc wanted to put me on hormone to help me lose weight. Sigh! Anyone for artificially induced Graves’ disease. Luckily my dad threw the pills out. So another possible trigger for the Graves’ (I know that drinking glowing stuff couldn’t be good for me). I was also the queen of diet soda. When they came out with aspartame, my consumption went thru the roof. There has been no formal connection between aspartame and Graves’, but there is enough other problems of aspartame and other diseases to warrent caution. A couple of years before being diagnosed with Graves’ I got married, bought a new house and had a major stress buildup at work. Stress has been linked to triggering Graves’. So, as for why I got Graves’, take your pick, any of them could be the culprit (or even the combination of all of them).

    I found that as long as I wasn’t too tired and had plenty of food in my stomach, sipping on a glass of wine thru the course of the evening was okay. You learn your limits after a while. I used to be a heavy drinker when I was younger. Graves’ really cured me of that.

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for your response. I am still really new to all of this, can you explain what you mean by triggers? I have cut out quite a bit of my caffeine intake one soda a day and 3/4 decaf 1/4 caffeine in the morning. I like my GP quite a bit and she has been very aware of what I’m telling her. Two visits and she knew it was GD. I dont know about the alcohol I’ve been apprehensive to even have a glass of wine, but my Birthday is this weekend so I’ll find out soon enough.


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