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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    With my GP- she wanted an Endo to treat me, because she wasn’t that familiar in the treatment of Graves. I’m sure she could have looked things up in a book – like she did some of my blood tests. But, I was more comfortable with an Endo.
    One thing right off the bat I had to discontinue was decongestants for colds/allergies,etc. I didn’t care for that too much. It would really make my heart speed. But – my heart seems to do that anyway. It’s still up around 95-105. But it’s better than 130.
    Good Luck.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kristin, I stuck with my gp for graves treatment and was happy I did. There don’t seem to be that many people happy with their endos anyway. My gp knew the whole picture and tracked everything. Every so often he would tell me he was going to call Dr. so and so to consult and then would call me back with the info. Give it a try, you can always be referred to an endo later is you’re not satisfied.

    Post count: 93172

    I have been to several endos over the past 25 years. My first one was great and then he moved. Over all this time my gp has seen what problems I have gone through. If i could find a good endo like my first that is where i would go, However, the other 3 that i have gone to were less caring than my gp. I now just go to him. I think you have to do what is comfortaable for you. Some people are luchy to find a good dr whether gp or endo. that is what is important.

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