Glad to see you saw some of the repies!
I’m here to attest to the fact that there are positive posts, and answers to the questions. Sometimes you’ll get a day when there are more questions than answers here, or more blues than grins, but that’s just the luck of the draw (or the phase of the moon?)
I think all posters who have had this disease for a while could cite many positive steps one can take to live w. this chronic disease. I don’t know which post may have said that there’s nothing one can do, and that nothing will help. Perhaps that person was just describing how they felt that day. I was not always very clear when I tried to express myself when I was hyper. And I didn’t always interpret things correctly when I was hyper.
My first doctor told me that meditation would not help. After some other incidents, I decided to get a second opinion, because I truely felt I didn’t fit into what he was describing. I’m glad to report I found an Endo with an open mind and a good ear. He acknowledges that support is helpful, and that my steps w. counseling, yoga and attempts at meditation would have positive effects on my overall health. He even encouraged me to visit some great web sites. I truely believe this helped — for I just found out I may be in remmission.
I believe you’ve already started taking action by seeking info and visiting this site. You can make a difference in your own health.
I’ve noticed you don’t put your email on your posts. Perhaps you don’t wish someone else to read your mail, but if you can post it, many of the facilitators have wonderful information they can mail to you.
I hope you come back and see this.
If you’d like to write to me personally, I’d be glad to give you the name of the site my doc reccommended, and tell you about my treatment, or just lend an ear to your concerns.
Good luck and good health
JulieI maintain my original assumption. This person is looking for nothing but attention and it was a ploy to stir things up. We all bought in to it. Lets continue to be there for those who really need us and let this go.
Blessings and good health to all,
Valerie LHow dare you get on this site and COMPLAIN about people complaining. UH HELLO. I was diagnosed with Graves disease in March of 1998 and recieved my radioactive iodine treatment in late April 98 I crashed into HYPO around the 4th of July weekend. I was so sad and depressed I wish I had a place like this to come to for support. I dont know if you have Graves disease or some other health problem but it is purely disrespectful for you to say such stupid things. Because of my crash into Hypo I could no longer hold my job, we had to sell our house before it was foreclosed upon. Because of bad credit we live in a very small house with 2 children. I now have discovered my son has ADHD and we have gotten help for him. By the way you present yourself as if somebody has crapped on you in your life and left you compassionless and I hope for your sake you really are as happy as you think you are. To all others I am doing fine now but much heavier in weight. But I will survive. Truly Appaulled
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