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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Lindasue…Your post made me chuckle with amusement because I’ve had such experiences, as you described so well. I thought I’d share what happened to me not all that long ago…Driving at night, dark mountain roads, but familiar territory, and suddenly I was completely lost. It was really disorienting…And once whle really hyper, I was driving LA freeways and started hyper-ventilating and thought I would pass out…scary. I had all the windows open, air conditioning on, radio blasting…anything to distract me from my panic.
    I’m astounded at the power of our body’s hormones over so many of our functions…including mental. And we all know the “grip of Graves” (I just made that up) emotionally, physically, socially, psychically…yes, it is a “whole body experience”, isn’t it? I have to rely now on notes to myself, since the memory tries to escape me still, but I’m functional, working full-time and basically doing well post RAI 3 yr now. You learn to live with this more comfortably with time…(I think). Keep up the good fight.

    Best Wishes,
    Rachel –NGDF OLAF

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