Damn betcha I’ll sign on as one of your warriors. Just ask my family, I’ve never been afraid of voicing my opinion!
And Sue, as for Congress. Never say Never! Furthermore, what other job do you have that would pay you so much for doing nothing?
Wait for at least 1 year and better 2 ! ! !
You can always deside for RAI but the process is’nt reversable.I had RAI last May, went hypo. 13 weeks later and am now on .125 mcg. of Levoxyl. I did not experience any side effects from the radiation and found it to be quite an easy treatment. I am finally feeling somewhat “normal” after the fluctuations from hyper to hypo, but it has taken a long time to get to this point. The decision about treatment is a personal one. I would suggest that you read everything you can about the treatment options and contact the National Graves Disease Foundation. Good luck!
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Re: Frustrations with treatment?? I’m publishing them!Anonymous1997-09-25T19:42:16-07:00
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