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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I heard on the evening news just this evening that the australian flu is particularily bad. Hope you’ll be able to get a flu shot sometime this fall! Take care of yourself and keep us posted!


        Post count: 93172

        Hi Shannon,
        My husband has been having flu shots for years. He still does get the odd cold. He was told flu shots are to prevent certain strains of flu bugs. Also in Vancouver you have to be over 50 to have it covered under medical and if you are younger than that your doctor has to recommend it for you. Check with your doc about that next time you see him.

        And don’t worry, I did not go into early menopause. Lots of trouble with the regularily of my periods through the years and I think I have had Graves forever, but peri-menopause and menopause came and went just like the book said!!! I think it is another one of those things that hits all of us differently – different symptoms, different bodies, different lifestyles…..

        Take care and Smile, SAS

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