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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    First – what Dr would be so strict to stick to the appointments, and not see a patient if theyr’e having problems? Also – I work in a hospital (business end)- and I can get my results in 1-2 days. I just go to the lab & request a copy of my results. So – 10 days is way too long.
    Good Luck….

    Post count: 93172

    When you are sliding into hypothyroidism you should be tested every six weeks until you stabilise. Once you start taking thyroxine your own thyroid gland may respond by cutting its own production of thyroxine so you then need to increase your dose again. This can happen a few times until your thyroid finally stops decreasing its output. It is then that you can do the final minute adjustments of dose until you feel well.
    There has been some research in England that found that the accepted ‘normal’ ranges for TSH (usually between 0.5 and 5.5) are incorrect and that anyone with a TSH of more than 2.0 could be hypo. If you’d like a copy of this research paper you can e-mail me and I’ll send it to you – it’s pretty long.

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