There are several resources you can use to find a
graves eye specialist or neuro-opthamologist.
The first resource should be your endocrinologist. They
are familiar with graves eye disease and should be doing
a cursory on your eyes as your thyroid levels are being checked also he or she should be meausuring
your eyes for changes. Many graves eye specialist like a referral from
your endocrinologist before they will see you!
The second resource, I have found is calling a local hospital. In the northeast.
many hospitals have referal hotlines and you tell them specifically what
you are looking for and they can give you names, etc.
Also I have come across a boo in the library put that gives names, addresses and personal data
on all Board Certified specialists in the country broken down by states.
It gives innfo on the doctor such as, year graduated from med school, where they did residency,
age, etc.
I hope this info helps!