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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Here I go again…still on the sleep issue. My belief after dealing with fibromyalgia and Graves for about a year and a half now is that they are interrelated. One of the major characteristics of Graves is that because it speeds up your metabolism, it also speeds up your heart. And when your heart is going like gangbusters, you can’t sleep! I would lie in bed at night with my heart pounding as if I just ran 5 miles. In turn, the lack of good sleep brings out your basic fibromyalgia symptoms, including depression. It’s a chicken or egg situation, for sure. All I know is that once I got the sleep under control (initially with the help of muscle relaxants and later without when my Graves started improving), the fibromyalgia symptoms dissipated. No, they have not gone away completely, but now they are minor in comparison. I’ll stop on the sleep now. Get some!

        Post count: 93172

        My mother has been having problems with her eyes to the point where she stopped driving. She was diagnosed with fibromylagia earlier but has just been diagnosed with Graves as well. I told her that this combination seems to be somewhat common after reading this bulletin board and am lobbying to get her online quickly so she will have some support.

        (Sorry to repeat this note but I replied to the wrong subject)

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