Dear Jodi…I couldn’t even go on to other messages before responding to your post…How well I remember needing encouragement during the point in treatment where you are currently. I think the hardest time for me was those few months immedicatly post RAI…First, you seem to get even more hyper & thyrotoxic right after treatment, then the plumment to the opposite end of the scale to hypo…eventually…And the TSH is so variable in it’s response, too, for each individual. But it sounds to me like you’re still pretty hyper, with thoses shakes. What are your labs? I’m not familiar with taking sodium iodide post RAI for 10 days…but I’ll look it up. When you mentioned being on pro…can I assume propanolol? Any other meds? Please feel free to e-mail me if you’d like more one one one time or privacy. I can tell you it will pass…Just hang on for the next 2-3 months and soon you’ll start seeing your old self again…It’s a wild ride, but this group will give you lots of support and info…Use it! Keep coming back and best of luck!
Warm Regards, Rachel (OLAF)