My younger sister has Graves Disease and she is the one who figured out what was wrong with me.
I thought I had CFS/FMS and my stupid doc thought I had diabetes. Then last week when my brother who
just finally joined AOL e-mailed me and told me one of my older sisters also
had Graves Disease. So three of us in my family have it. My dad is a diabeteic so I’m wondering if we
got this from his pituitary disease which causes diabetes or from somewhere else. Also since three of my children
have ADHD (two are very hyper and explosive and one is slower) could my Graves disease be the cause of thier problems.
The two hyper and explosive boys ages 13 and 7 are so intelligent and can sit for hours and work on something so I’m wondering
if this is thyroid with them instead of CNS. And doesn’t the thyroid disease attack the CNS???? It would be interesting to see who many
of us GD Warriars have ADHD kids and how many of us have siblings. Will anyone please do a survey for us on ADHD kids with GD parents???Miriam,
I have 2 sons. They have different fathers. Both have pseudohypoparthyroidism. My oldest son is 15 and has ADHD and is in special education due to his delayed development. My 6 yr old is very a very fast learner. Go figure. They both take thyroid medicine and see a ped endro doctor. My son that has ADHD is not very active but I am certain he pays attention to everyting that is going on. Like the teacher tried to explain it to me… He watches the teacher, kids next to him, the walls and what color the teachers shoes are, all at the same time!
Kids are so cute though….
I’m the first in a huge family that doesn’t seem to have any history of related diseases. I have a brother and sister, living parents and two children (who are still pretty young). Loads of Aunts, Uncles and cousins and no one I know of can relate! Go figure! I have a silly question too…once you’ve opted for surgery or RAI and have “controlled” GD…do you still HAVE the disease? are you ever cured? is it remission? etc? OR is it a case of once Graves Disease, forever Graves Disease? I ask because people ask me all the time. Thanks!
Hello –
Just a thought – have your children been to an alllergist????
I have found that many children diagnosed with ADHD have food
or enviromental allergies. This was discovered when I was teaching
I highly reccommend you have them tested. If you are interested in
reading more about behavior and allergies in children post a note and
I will find my book for you. KimMe, my paternal grandmother and her mother have/had Graves. We now suspect my mom’s sister had Graves.
My brother and his son have ADHD, and I suspect other siblings of being at least ADD.
Other autoimmune diseases in my family too, like anklyosis spondolytis (an arthritis) and vitiligo. I’m trying to put together a medical genealogy with some second and third cousins to see if our health problems link to the same family.
Interesting note, in one thyroid book (The Thyroid Sourcebook, I think; don’t have it with me) there is a paragraph or two about children of people with Graves. It says they may be bright students, but underachievers and often have bad handwriting. That is my son exactly!!Teresa
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