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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My husband lost an eye years ago. I’m sure it was difficult driving and things like that, even though he doesn’t wear a patch – he just doesn’t have an eye. He drives a little slower than most, but this handicap has never hindered him. Depth perception was a problem for awhile but it never interfered with activities.

    Post count: 93172

    I tried to E-mail you but it was returned. Any suggestions?

    Post count: 93172


    Yes it is a bit scary at first. Depth perception is a bit of a problem but not as bad as
    seeing two cars and trying to decide which is the real one. I just aim for the one in the
    middle and if I hear no crunch I done good. All kidding aside it is not as hard as it
    might appear to drive with a patch. The DMV does not require it on your license since it
    is a transient problem and not a permenant one. If you were required to wear a patch full
    time you may need it on your liciense.

    I wnat to try the Olf George Carlin joke and put white canes with red tips on the van and wear
    dark glasses and drive around town and watch people get out of my way.

    Started drops last night for Glockoma (sp?)and so far they aren’t to bad. Burn like crazy whenI
    ut them in and makes vision blurry but not so bad. Will kepp you all informed.

    Jake (Achgook)

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