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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Jenny, remember the radiation is to stop the progression. It won’t cure you. It may relax the protruding as the swelling goes down. My eyes moved back quite a bit, but I was not protruding that much.Once you are stable, in just a few months, then you can have the surgery to “fix” your eyes.How much your eyes go back depends on the condition of your muscles. What you want to do is stop it from getting worse. You shouldn’t have surgery while your eyes are still changing and the muscles are still being attacked by the anti-bodies.That’s where the “wait and see” school of treatment comes in.Before radiation, that was all you could do. Wait until the “hot” stage was over.Then you could have corrective surgery.This speeds up the process.Hope this helps……gwen

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jenny, Gwen’s comments were right on. The radiation is to stop the disease. My eye is still protruding five months after radiation. After radiation there is usually a six month waiting period to make sure the eyes have stabilized. My six months come up in October. Then I will have operations, the last one being eyelid retraction which should make my eye look “normal” again.

    Speaking of “normal” I saw an interview with Barbara Bush on TV recently and was amazed at how “normal” her eyes looked for a woman of her age. It gives hope.

    Best of luck in whatever you decide. SAS

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