I am just going to say that if you have an experienced doctor(s) in this Graves/Thyroid Eye Disease area, then I would listen to them…….but I can tell you my experience quickly: Jun 02 Diagnosed Hyperthyroid/Graves (already had some mild TED symptoms); Nov 02 Diagnosed TED sent to a specialist; Jan 03 CT Scans showed enlarged eye muscles; Mar 03 very swollen and inflammed tissues – began prednisone; May 03 Orbital Decompression on left eye due to pressure on optic nerve (was having some blackness in my peripheral vision – left side); May 03 Thyroidectomy; July 03 left lid sewed shut due to corneal abrasion;Aug/Sept 03 Orbtial Radiation (last attempt at calming down the hot phase of the disease); Nov/Dec starting seeing a more stabl period coming on and it continued with just some mild vision (blurriness) problems, burning, pain in both eyes…….which he said was due to my lids not closing all the way. Because I have been in at least 6mos of stableness I am getting ready to have eyelid surgery and removal of excess fatty tissues tomorrow!!! He says I am through the hot phase and it is safe for the surgery. I also have double vision and usually you get this surgery before eyelid surgery but I am not sure if I will do the surgery to correct my double vision (will tell you later if you want to know). I didn’t need to do eyelid surgery before now and especially because it is recommended that you wait until the disease calms down, but some people that have a big problem with bulginess need to have this done during the disease to help protect their corneas. My bulging has only been at the worse 27 and is now probably 23 or 24 (haven’t had it measured in a while). I hope this helps some.