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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Denise –
    this was so informative – I printed it out. I’m hoping that Graves is the reason why my eyes – above and below (bags)- have been so swollen.
    The symptoms with my eyes were dryness and floaters. Constant floaters. And it’s really irritating~!

    Post count: 93172

    Help! My mother has ongoing problems with her eyes as a result of her thyroid problem. Her thyroid levels are in the normal range and she feels pretty good for a 72 year old. However, her right eye has dropped and the doctor is trying to correct the double vision with prisms. She has prisms in both lenses and right prism has been strengthened again. It seemed to work for about 10 days and now her vision is blurred again. The doctor is reluctant to discuss surgery, but my mother cannot afford to get new prisms every month. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated because her frustration level is rising. Thank you.

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