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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Merry Christmas everyone…!
      And my special regards to Jake, Debby Jass, Dianne N., and Joann…and Lisa…and Bruce……See, how lucky we are to develop such friendships while trying to deal with our disease…DIS-EASE…I’d say Graves disease is was of the most dis-easing disease I’ve ever gone thru…I thought I’d never get to the other side…But I have…And You will, too. So often we focus on the discouragement messages and lose hope when we hear how long this illness can plague us with so many uncomfortable symptoms. But mine is a message of encouragement to you tonight.
      Graves disease weaves a tangled web around us and for some, like me for awhile, the illness immobilized me. I stayed home alot and obsessed in a very depressed state. Even after labs came back in line and my thyroid replacement seemed to be regulating the hormones adequately, it was the entrapped mind set that I was in with this darn GD…feeling low in self confidence, capabilities, totally depleted, but I must admit, getting back into life, work, doing and being again was the real test and turning point. I think we all seize up with self-doubts as we go thru the mindless maze of memory loss, and thought disorganization, and absolute insanity and depression. IT DOES GO AWAY…But it helps if you take some drugs during the transition…like an antidepressant. And women, be sure you get those female hormones checked out as well, because the thyroid hormones affect these things,,,and most of us are in our 40’s…me 48…the big “M” menopause is upon me, so there’s yet another medication I take …and those vitamins and minerals, esp. calcium and magnesium. Still, I have the FAT problem now so nothing’s ever perfect…Just hang in there and soon you’ll be me…praying for stable levels to be maintained, for I never want to go back into that dark hole again. I’m the light up ahead…see it? You will soon…God Bless and Ho Ho:0)

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