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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Janice…I am about your mother’s age and I have the weight gain, depression
      and itching…boy do I have the leg itching. But some days are alot
      better than others, due to sleeping better some nights..but I wonder alot
      about what is ahead also. Sometimes, I think that my symptons are not
      just from the Graves, but are menopausal. If your mother would want
      to correspond, please give her my email. I’m available most evenings
      during the week. I live in Buffalo, N.Y. Where do you two live.

        Post count: 93172

        Hi Janice. . .I’ll bet it helps your mom for you to take such an interest. It must be really hard for her to not be well yet, and facing the second RAI treatment.

        It’s felt at times like I always have been and always will be unwell, so I’m really appreciating the improvements! I actually opened a can with a hand can opener, for the first time in over a year! As for your mom, there is no way to know how long it will be until she’s feeling normal again, because that is so very individual. My endo told me as I was facing RAI to expect it to be at least six months to a year before I was feeling normal again. He also told me that once my thyroid replacement levels are stabilized, it will take about six months to return to normal.

        I was not able to exercise during either the hyper or hypo phases of Graves’, though I think some people are able to do some. That factor alone encourages the pounds to pile on. Using extreme care with calorie and fat intake will slow down or stop weight gain (no specific diet), but probably most success at losing will be with stable thyroid levels, and it will take some effort I think.

        Friends I’ve met in the Support Group BB have made the difficult times SO much more bearable, and even ENJOYABLE at times. I’d encourage you to have your mom get online with us if she can. Also, she can join the NGDF. . .check out the homepage link on this board.
        Best Wishes,
        Dianne N

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