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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    When you said you feel “brushed off” by the dr – is that your endocrinologist? Boy, I hope a specialist isn’t behaving like that. Just to let you know what a crummy dr I did have, (and I mean had) – I had been going to him regularly for years and had symptoms (heart palpitations,sweatting,trouble sleeping,feeling stressed)- and he never once thought of the thyroid. Instead I was given a prescription to relax me. To top it off, he didn’t order any tests after he found out about my condition (through one blood test). And the real topper was when his office cancelled my appointment because he didn’t have thyroid scan results (he hadn’t seen me for anything thyroid related yet). And unless I wanted to be seen for something else – I should reschedule. Needless to say – I am not going back. There are good dr.’s out there, ones that are compassionate and aren’t entirely money hungry. It just takes a little looking.
    Good luck !!

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