I recently lost my job due to downsizing within the company. the reason I am now concerned about disability is because of that. The job that I had was an at-home job on the computer, for me to go into a company and try to get a job, or hold a job, seems pretty impossible. There are times during my day where I can’t seem to understand simple conversation. If I am being pressured or pushed into doing something, I have a tendency to choke in the situation and either react badly (i/e yelling and screaming) or simply agree to whatever I am being pressured into because I can’t seem to find the thoughts to put into words to disagree with what is going on. People ask if I am on drugs because there are times I shake so badly that my hands go flying up through the air. I just don’t feel that it would be possible for me to hold down a regular 9-5 job with set hours at this stage of the disease. Some days I forget that I have a job…and now I keep forgetting I have been fired from my previous job ( I actually worked today, a week after being fired, without even thinking about it ) I am rambling on, sorry. Anyway, thank you for your help 