What can I say to you, Rover and Arf? I have tears streaming down my face and I couldn’t read them outloud because I was laughing too hard. thanks sillies.
But there are leash laws ladies…be careful…I mean the dog catcher is worse than dog disease.
and if you start whining and some one sends you cheese from Calfornia to go with it, I mean be careful, cheese isn’t good for dogs.
scratching also can cause itching. I am worried about you. Really.
yawoalall Jeannette
PS for anyone mystified as to the placement of this post..this is support for the humorous support of the offical
NDDF ( are those the right letters?) who have discoverd a possible cure as potent as
Laurel and Hardy movies. You doggies will have to explain any further questions yourself.
woofies indeed.