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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      thanks a lot, bje;ei

        Post count: 93172

        Thanks for the info. They started me on Synthoid on 12/24 and I was
        banking on it to help me get through the holiday. There’s been so much
        going on these past few months if I were my husband I’d leave me. And
        yes, that’s a fear I have that he keeps telling me is unfounded.
        How long is it gonna take for this stuff to kick in? I can’t get through
        a day without a nap and I was NEVER one to nap. I guess part of its
        depression too but I’ve about had it with all of this!
        When you said about your legs not supporting you — man, did you hit home!
        There are times when I actually can’t walk! And being cold is definately new
        to me. My hands get real cold and then they fall asleep. Makes it quite
        difficult to work since I type for a living. I don’t see my endo till
        1/18 — gonna be a long few weeks. With the synthoid kick in soon??
        Help! I’d appreciate any and all you can tell me! Thanks!


        PS No weight gain yet, but I’m waiting, that’ll about do it for me!
        Just one more thing to look forward to!

          Post count: 93172

          Hi Joann–I remember noticing a slight improvement about a week after starting the thyroid replacement. This period certainly must be difficult for our loved ones, so I’m fortunate my children are old enough to understand. I couldn’t count the times I’ve been unable to “be there” for them, and had to say so.

          You’ve been through so much lately Joann, I hope you give yourself some credit for even the small stuff you still do. Let us know that you’re doing better, soon! Love, Dianne N

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