Hi, I am no expert but I decided on the RAI after six months of up and down on the medication/tapazole I did it for a number of reasons but I have returned to what I remember my old self to me. I had 15micures of RAI and had no side effects after that…medicines and even the RAI acted much more quickly than expected. In a week my endo saw the difference and so did I. It has been only 2 months since I had the RAI but all blood levels are back within normal. I will still have blood drawn every six weeks now but my endo thinks I will remain this way for some time….perhaps years down the road things will change…I was hot all the time but even that has begun to pass. To answer your question…I have ME back and I know it is ME….I work out every day now…I swim and do weights now to get back my muscles and everything seems to be coming back with ease……memory problems are just the normal I have hundred things on my plate…so I better write tem down…it is not the Graves… I don’t even think about the graves anymore except when I get blood drawn. Everyone needs to make their own choice…I am not having any eye problems at this time. I had some problems with my right eye but it has gone down and the opic nerves are fine. My insurance will pay for all this in full so this another reason I made this decision because I never know from year to year if I will get to keep my job. Good luck on your choice….when six months have past I will check in again and let you know how things are going. Patricia
I’m delighted RAI worked and so quickly for you. I too had RAI six months ago and my numbers have barely budged, my eyes are whacked out again, my hair barely covers my head and I itch all over. Maybe after the next dose…