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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hey All

      Im on my dayoff so i get to be home on my puter
      for the next 48hr s :) i need help with a ?
      my blood is in normal range but my t4 is 20
      normal is 11- 23 been very hyper this week
      was wondering should i cut my meds or keep
      the same dose if blood is in normal range but t4
      is in the higher end of normal well miss you all
      please get back

      love , steve

        Post count: 93172

        Our web browser lost us again and we are working on the situation! Please have patience(HA HA HA) and join in by typing in our IP addie until the situation is remedied! We had a low turn out, but fun was had by all! Sorry we missed the rest of our warriors.
        Hope to see you all again next week!


          Post count: 93172

          Archie, you are a blessing to so many people. You will never, never know, but we will try to keep telling you.
          After Glynis posted, I tried my Java chat just to see if it was up, and IT IS!! I can get in this way, just after I finally connected to the mIRC way. I am so grateful!
          I am post RAI almost 2 weeks, and have had the energy to do so many things I almost can’t stand it! I just hope I literally don’t “crash” when my thyroid decides to go. Can anyone give me information on how long some have taken to die out? I know everyone is different.
          Well, got to go. I have promised to make a pumpkin pie, and they are anxious, here at home!
          Hugs to all,

        Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
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