Hi, I just got a call from the Endocr. I just started seeing. Results from
recent blood tests show my hormone levels to be off, estrogen too low and
two other hormones (names I am not familiar with) too high. I am in the
normal range at my current Synthroid level but have been having symptoms
like tremors, hairloss, irregular cycles…. I wonder if anyone is being
treated for other hormone changes and whether they are associated with the
Graves’, RAI or Synthroid. Whenever I ask the doctors about symptoms like
the ones mentioned above I am told they are not related. The only reason
the dr. did the last blood tests was because of my persistance. He told me
he was sure everything would come back normal and it was a waste of testing.
Anyway, the results weren’t normal and now he wants to do more testing. I
feel like I have to come up with the possible causes and ask for specific
tests or nothing gets done. Problem is I am not a doctor and have no
experience with this disease except what I am learning along the way,through
NGDF and this message board. Anyone who can shed some light on this matter
would be greatly appreciated. — Gotta go kids are crying —
Thanks …. Julie T.