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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Cathrine,

    Some of your symptoms sounded familiar to me. I too, am on Carbimazole. But I’ve managed to get rid of the redness and peeling around my fingernails, I’m not loosing anymore hair and I no longer get “night sweats”. How are your fingernails? Mine were very weak and easily torn, now they’re fine. Since we can’t talk brand names here, feel free to e-mail me at A few people were complaining about “Troll Hair”. I had that too. Real straw, rough, sticky-outy hair. I don’t seem to have that anymore either. Since I managed to get rid of them, perhaps it’s not the Carbimazole.(?)

    Here’s just a general question. If the Dr. gives us Carbimozole to control our “Hyper” thyroid, why does he also prescribe Thyroxine? I’ve read some studies to this effect, I’d have to dig them out but if anyone wants to discuss this, please e-mail me.

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