Hi Katie,
I’m going to be taking a lower dose of Synthroid (.88, was taking 1.00)because my TSH went from .94 to .71 — I’d like it to be 1.00 or more.
Presently, I am tired because my body does not replenish itself with energy fast enough. I had some energy yesterday — at the gym I exercised for 45 min. with my heart rate at 80% without difficulty. I slept last night and should have been rested but it didn’t happen,– my body will require days of rest and sleep. I’ve been hypo (I have hashimoto’s) and tired too. To much or to little thyroid hormone will make me feel tired. When my level is just right the exercising gives me more energy and I also rest better.
Sorry, I didn’t find a shorter way of explaining this. Linda775