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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      To Bobbi – Cheers for your mother in law – what a remarkable woman and a role
      model for us all.

        Post count: 93172

        Your story on how attitude and how it has affected you personally with someone in your life was very touching. Once a month for the past four months I have to go to the hospital towards the end of the month to get chemo treatment for my eyes(cytoxan to suppress the immune system) With that I sit in a room with 7 or 8 other patients who are terminaly ill with rare cancer and people who have terminal diseases. The first two times I was despising those visits but
        the people who are receiving those treatments have
        from what I have witnessed the ability to embrace life-moment by moment. As I am getting my treatments these people turned to me to give me advise and these are some of cancer patients pieces of advice. This negative expeience has had me learn about myself
        and the ability to reach out. From 27 year old Christine this is what she told me she has a rare type of anemia where she has had for 12 years this disease leaves her with no platelets and clotting factors where she can bleed to death from a paper cut. She said: Breath-in, I calm my body, Breathing out, I smile, Dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment! She said to slowly breath in and out. As you follow your breathing simply say, “Calmimg, smiling, present moment, wonderful moment” This has gotten her through for about 10 years of her life. A 57 yr old Ms. Kennedy told me as a cancer patient who is in remission “Cancer was my wakeup call. (RElate this to graves) What will you do now that your’re truly awake? Will you fall right back into your old habits? Or will you take stock and reasses. Are you living life according to your values or according to society’s values? She said,” for her it was time to get off the express train and start
        enjoying the countryside. People who live lives of high quality are true to themselves and take care of their own needs first.”

        As you can tell each of these nd there are more but have touched me in a special way. Terminally ill people reaching out to a person with graves disease, with a fight to save my eyesight
        and really going that extra mile has been a strong inspiration for me these past three months and will continue. I hope these stories help you too. This experience and finding this support group have been wonderful!

        Wishing everyone on the BB
        new awakenings, treasured memories and all the happiness your heart can hold! (I know sometimes it is hard but it has to get better.) DEE

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