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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Article which mentions dietary iodine is:
      Treatment Options for Hyperthyroidism September 1996
      Leonard Wartofsy MD Washington Hospital Center, DC

      But I am going to quote a bit for those interested:

      ” A continuing but neglected factor in relapse is exposure to dietary and other sources of iodine, including raidocontrast agents in diagnostic studies. Dietary sources in the U.S. are widespread; they include red food dye, preservatives such as iodates in flour, iodized salt, some public drinking water systems, health food products such as kelp tablets, and milk ( from iodine used to treat disease in dairy cows and iodphors used to clean milk vats).
      About 20 years ago, remission rates as low as 14% after antithyroid drug therapy were attributed to high iodine concentrations in the American diet. Although remission rates are NOW MORE THAN 50%, dietary iodine exposure still deserves attention as a cause of persistent hypethyroidism. A European study by Georg Benker and colleagues recently correlated iodine excretion with therapeutc response to methimazole in patient’s with Graves’ disease; those with low values were more often restored to euthroidism.”

      As regards EYES…Kelly
      when we are thyroid imbalanced, high or low ( being hypo untreated is thought to be very hard on the eyes!!)
      our eyes will not feel good.
      Gritty, dry and wet, light sensitive and some puffiness are all things which are considered by many doctors as due to the thyroid state and do not necessarily mean that you have or will have TED. All of it also means that you should be making sure your doctor is knowledgable about eyes and when to refer to an eye doc who knows GD.

      Wishing you all well. Jeannette

        Post count: 93172

        I read in an article from the Texas branch of the Thyroid association that some of the good things
        to do for your eyes when they have TED is :

        1. use artificial tears to combat the dryness.
        2. To shield the eyes from light use the sunglasses used by the blind to shield
        all around the eyes. They go over perscription glasses and only cost around$8.00.

        3. To assist with puffiness. Place ice packs on the eyes and rest them only for 30 minutes
        at a time.

        4. Cover the eyes at night.

        That is all I can remember for now. There were a few more suggestions.

          Post count: 93172

          Lynn, yes my optho had me do all the things you listed only used cool, not ice, compresses. The only other thing was to sleep propped up as much as you could stand and still be able to sleep. This was to keep the fluid from filling around your eyes when you head was down.

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