I am glad that you are seeking help for your Graves’. As for the spot on your back – like Jan said, we can’t practice medicine on here. What all of us can do is relate symptoms and stories good and bad of what we have been through so that those of you coming on here new will realize that you really aren’t alone.
One thing I would recommend if you don’t already do it – get yourself a Daytimer or a similar type of book. As you think of a question – either for your doctor or for us, write it down. I can tell you that memory is a big problem with a lot of us with Graves’ and maybe you will be one of the lucky ones that it doesn’t affect, but it doesn’t hurt to be safe rather than sorry.
Also, you need to understand that actually, no two cases of Graves’ are going to be the same. We all react differently to the antibodies and the methods of treatment that we choose. Understanding this will eliminate a lot of confusion – “It helped Jane – why isn’t it helping me” and those sort of reactions.
And most of all – remember tthat those of us on here are here for you and each other – you will never be alone again!
Take care and don’t give up!
Mitakuye Oyasin